
you looking for cheaper 18 pc Air Brass Accessories Set?

Buy 18 pc Air Brass Accessories Set Online Shop

before decision to buy, I searches on online so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells 18 pc Air Brass Accessories Set and compare prices to. Some stores offers me fast shipping.

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18 pc Air Brass Accessories Set Overview

This 18 piece Air Tool accessory service kit has it all. The connectors are solid brass and the kit fits 3/8" air hose and works with just about any compressor. Coupler set has 1/4 NPT fittings.Our high quality kit features: Chrome plated air blow gun with non-corrosive trigger, Quick coupler, Female connector, Male connector, Universal adapter, Valve repair tool, Safety nozzle, Tapered Rubber tip, Tapered Chuck, High Pressure nozzle, Needle Chuck, Large Bore Valve Core, Screw-on Chuck, Air Gauge, Chuck adapter, Dual Tire Chuck, Power Wire Brush, Tire Gauge

18 pc Air Brass Accessories Set Specification

  • Set includes the most common needs associated with air tools.
  • Blow gun is chrome plated, non-corrosive, PVC dipped trigger.
  • Kit included 3 nozzles; couplers have 1/4" NPT fittings.
  • Rubber tapered tip for leak proof seal between gun and all openings.
  • Safety nozzle prevents blow back air from reaching the operator.

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